

Saturday 1st November 2025, 10:00 – 16:30

St. Bartholomew’s School, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6JP

Pay on the door (no advance tickets) using cash or card.

Our previous exhibition

Please find below the details of our previous exhibition from 2nd November 2024.


  • Best Model Toys: Auction house for model collections.
  • David & Marion Canning: Well known in the Newbury area, offering annual calendars supporting local animal charities
  • JB’s Model World: The ‘box’ man. Plastic box with foam interiors to hold your precious locos and rolling stock.
  • Keith’s Model Railways: New and second-hand items.
  • Neil Cresswell Model Railway & Toys: A local trader who has supported this show for many years, selling new items at keen prices.
  • Roger Whitaker: Fine scale in most gauges.
  • Transport Treasury: One of the UKs largest collections of books and rarely seen photographs.
  • Tadley Bits & Pieces: Large variety of model railway scenery accessories and second-hand rolling stock.
  • Other: Bring & Buy (see form further below, if you wish to sell anything) and Tombola

Demonstrators & educational

  • Roy Hickman
    • This will be Roy’s final appearance at the exhibition. Roy has been a regular at our exhibition, showing what can be built using household items. Participation is encouraged, and most go away with something they have built.


  • Great Western Society (Didcot Railway Centre)
    • The local heritage railway centre at Didcot, which also contains the Swindon Panel signalling simulator. A new addition will be a shunting layout, so try your skill.
  • Lynton and Barnstable
    • Rebuilding the Lynton and Barnstable railway in North Devon, the members in attendance will keep you up to date with developments there.
  • Pendon
    • The epitome of fine modelling their portrayal of a village in the Vale of White Horse is on display near Didcot. Modelling at its very finest.


  • Backan Ford Tramway – On30 gauge
    • This is a fictional 1/32 scale tramway using inspiration from a YouTube channel. It is based on a private home made 2ft gauge tramway, somewhere in America, the Rock River Valley Traction Co.
  • Blackgang – Gauge 3
    • Blackgang, famous for smuggling activities of years gone by is on the most southerly part of the Isle of Wight at St Catherine’s Point. There were several proposed railway lines that never got off the ground including one line from Ventnor to Freshwater. It is to this end that Blackgang was conceived. The location is now well known for the Blackgang Chine Theme Park on the cliff edge with pirates and dinosaurs as its main theme.
  • Box Road – N gauge
    • Built to prove that space need not be the prohibiting factor against having a layout. In spite of its extremely small footprint, it is possible to build a fantastic looking layout and one that is a lot of fun to observe and operate.
  • The Bridge – N gauge
    • This layout was formerly known as A Bridge too Far and was part of the “Tribute to Brunel” layout built by the Basingstoke Bodgers in the final of the inaugural Great Model Railway Challenge broadcast on Channel 5. It is a representation of the Royal Albert Bridge which spans the River Tamar between Devon and Cornwall. With the exception of the plate girder bridge sides, the bridge is totally scratch built.
  • Bruce Spring – N gauge
    • A small layout set in rural Pennsylvania in the 1950s. Built to demonstrate what can be achieved with minimum radius track, short wheelbase rolling stock and some basic automation. Exhibited today along with information about the NMRA (National Model Railroad Association): British Region.
  • Dounreay – HO gauge
    • A far north former Highland Railway branch terminus inspired by both Wick and Thurso retained initially to serve Coastal Command’s RAF Dounreay, which was later used by the MoD and UKAEA to site nuclear power plant testing facilities for both military (Naval) and civilian use, hence its survival to at least the late-1960s/early-1970s, when the layout is set.
  • Earldean – OO gauge
    • A branch line Terminus station and goods yard layout somewhere on the western region, Set in rolling countryside in the 1950s-60s, it is totally fictitious but takes inspiration from the Berkshire area.
  • Helland Wharf – OO gauge
    • This layout was inspired by the classic photographs of Peter Gray and others showing the Beattie Well Tanks and the later 1366 small panniers squeezing between cottages at Helland whilst on their way to Wenford Bridge. The layout was originally conceived as a “photo plank” and a test bed for new techniques but evolved into a small exhibition layout.
  • Lambourn – Newbury Model Railway Club – OO gauge
    • This is our latest project where we wanted a Great Western branch line terminus layout. Built from the plans of the Lambourn branch by Wild Swan Books, it shows how spacious a terminus could be. Feel free to ask about the techniques used in the building of this layout. The layout is shown in an almost complete state.
  • Ludlow – N gauge
    • This layout is based on Ludlow in Shropshire, which is on the Shrewsbury to Hereford line. It is set in the late 50’s early 60’s and depicts both the sidings and the main lines but also incorporates the line from Clee Hill, which is a quarry line. During the construction it was very hard to find accurate photographs of the front of the station and the line so we are always looking for more information so we can continue to improve the layout.
  • Ock Valley – T gauge
    • A fictional railway intertwined with representations the beautiful landscape and rural scenery of the River Ock which criss-crosses Oxfordshire. The then-new InterCity 125s in their iconic British Rail livery are a common sight in this 20th Century scene.
  • Sproston Green – O gauge
    • Sproston Green TMD is a representation of a medium sized diesel depot as it would have been in the 1970s to early 1980s. Set firmly in the BR blue era the layout takes its inspiration from Crewe Diesel and Gateshead Depots of the time and features many of the loco classes of the era.
  • Stonethwaite & Bainrigg – 7mm narrow gauge
    • Returns for 2024 on a rather larger scale! Set in the 1930s, this 0-16.5 7mm narrow-gauge layout has been built with realism and entertainment in mind. Look for the operating features including moving water columns, working cranes, opening doors, amongst many others.
  • Tellindalloch – OO gauge
    • Tellindalloch Station and distillery are set among 70 trees shadowing the splendid colours seen during Autumn in the Highlands.
  • Transcerales – HO gauge
    • A small grain terminal set in the area of cornfields surrounding Toledo, Spain. The scene depicts a shunting operation at a grain handling facility on its last legs. A run down and rustic atmosphere is attempted to be conveyed, characterised by slow-paced operation and a good deal of rust.
  • Lego Layout – Newbury Model Railway Club
    • The ever-popular Lego layout, owned and run by our club member Adrian King, attracts more parents than children who are playing on the newly built, but not scenic, children’s layout. This layout can be found in the Children’s Room (accessed via the Atrium).

Bring & Buy Sellers’ Form

If you would like to sell items on our Bring & Buy stall at the exhibition, please download and complete the following form (PDF and Word formats are provided below). Note that the club will take a 10% commission on all items sold! Please ensure you bring a printout of your completed form with you as we do not accept emailed copies. Full instructions on completing the form can be found at the top of the first page.

Exhibition from October 2023

Please see below a video of our exhibition from 2023.